Rock My Heart

Can a shy introvert get more than a rockstar’s attention?

Kenna Shaw Reed
Coffee Lounge Romance
5 min readMay 3, 2022


Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

“I need a plus one and you need a life,” my rockstar cousin insisted when I tried to beg off attending a music awards night with him.

“I have nothing to wear.” It was true.

“Sorted.” He tossed a bag at me.

“I have a job to do.”

“It’ll be easier to post after the event if you were there watching us in action.”

“I don’t know anyone.”

“You know my band.” Linx chucked my chin as if we were still five instead of twenty-five. “Oh, and there’s just one rule. Don’t hook up with anyone I know.”

“You mean, your band?”

“I mean anyone at the Awards. Musicians don’t make good boyfriends.”

“I’m not looking for a boyfriend.” And I wasn’t, not really. If I was about to become trapped on a touring bus managing the socials for six musicians individually, as well as their band, I didn’t have time for a social life.


“Cassidy, Tyler Reece, but you can call me Ty.” The tall, dark and ridiculously good-looking man shook my hand as I entered the limo behind Linx.

We’d met before, not that I expected him to remember me. But when the band’s drummer patted the seat next to him, I was torn between clinging to my cousin, or sitting where I was told. Not that Linx had space next to him. Somewhere between the hotel room and the lobby, he’d become attached to two blondes and seemed prepared to extract every second of the journey.

“It’s better if you don’t look.” Ty laughed at my blush. “Unless that’s your thing.”

“Oh!” I hadn’t realized one girl was curled up in Linx’s lap with one hand missing. I’d been too busy trying not to stare into Ty’s eyes and hadn’t realized where I was staring. I quickly tried to recover, asking, “Have you been to an Awards night before?”

“A few,” Ty admitted. “With my old bands.”

“Oh.” It had been a stupid question. But I was floundering. Ever since my brother — no, I wouldn’t think about that. I didn’t like crowds. I didn’t like uncontrolled…



Kenna Shaw Reed
Coffee Lounge Romance

Too many WIP. Too much to do. #Musings #Choose Your Own Romance #Romance #Amwriting #RH #CYOR